Cloud Services

As the intelligence in electronic devices is increasingly shared with the cloud, mSemicon has correspondingly developed its capacity to deliver server side solutions, including apps that run with them.
mSemicon offers both serverless and server cloud solutions.
Serverless solution run on the likes of AWS (Amazon Web Services), MS Azure, Google Cloud, Losant, and similar. The benefits are that these solutions are fast, scalable and inexpensive in large volumes. They are also relatively easy to deploy and upgrade. Time to market is short.
mSemicon also offers, through selected partners, server based cloud solutions. These are sometimes more appropriate, being more flexible, but also more economical for lower volumes.
Technologies that we use include Node js, MangoDB, C++, Scala, Hadoop, PHP, Ruby, Python, Perl, Apache, Twilio, Sendgrid, Redis, GCP:BigQuery, GCP:ML, GCP Pub/Sub, Salesforce Cases, and more.
Photograph by Clint Adair on Unsplash