Research & Development
mSemicon is very active in R&D. Often, this includes basic as well as applied R&D as part of feasibility studies, where it is important to establish prior to a full product development cycle whether a basic concept underlying a new product idea really has merit.
R&D studies have also been conducted in collaboration with some of the largest third level institutions in Ireland, where mSemicon's role has included the development of instruments necessary to perform critical measurements. Some of these projects have been funded by SFI and ESA as well as by others, and have been in the space, agritech, and acoustics sectors.
In addition to supporting university projects with bespoke instrumentation mSemicon has also been active in commissioning R&D work at the Third Level.
Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 ("H2020") is the European Union's framework programme for research and innovation.
mSemicon is a very active participant in the Auto-DAN Horizon 2020 project, "Deploying Augmented intelligence solutions in EU buildings using Data analytics, an interoperable hardware/software Architecture and a Novel self-energy assessment methodology". This project involves the participation of partners in four different countries and is focussed on a new approach to seeing how buildings can be used more efficiently.
mSemicon's contribution includes the development of bespoke hardware (IoT and metering) solutions, as well as the coordination of activities at test sites.
mSemicon is very interested in participating in new H2020 projects and would therefore welcome enquiries from interested parties. We are particularly interested in projects that use some of our existing hardware, and ones that require the development or customisation of electronic solutions for specific research challenges.
mSemicon has also been a successful participant in Enterprise Ireland's SBIR scheme. This instrument has provided funding for research into the development of new products, most notably an innovative gully monitor for local flood management.