Remote Sensors

mSemicon designs and develops its own hardware, network communication tools, back-end cloud services as well as user interfaces for IoT devices. Together, these form a system which allows clients to know how their assets are performing through the reliable supply of relevant data. The timely provision of asset and environmental monitoring data is therefore a core service.
Here is a selection of devices that have been developed or are being developed.
Gully Monitor
Compact device detects an overflow condition in a street gully. Sends immediate signal to the cloud and alerts owner.
Device is normally strapped to the underside of the grill at the top of the gully, but can also be fixed to a bracket in gullies that do not have grills. Can be installed in a very short time.
Very robust design, compatible with the environment as well as standard gully cleaning practices.
Missing Ring-buoy
Ring-buoys go missing on a regular basis, being removed and discarded by thoughtless members of society. This affordable device, based on IoT technology, detects when a ring-buoy and rope are removed, and immediately alerts authorities by email, dashboard, and optionally by text too.
Wastebin Monitor
Not all litter bins become full each day, so it is not necessary to empty them every day either. This is possible when the Full Litter Bin Monitor is used. This device can be used with standard public wastebins, meaning that the overall cost of installation and operation is low.
Crack Monitor
The Crack Monitor is an electronic device that reports the status and progress of a crack over a period of many years. Its battery has an autonomy of at least five years. The sensor is particularly suited to locations that are difficult to access and costly to monitor.